Daybreak by Feng Xinrui 丑末寅初 _ CD


丑末寅初 Chinese Folk Art Forms_ CD

高品质发烧 CD   HiFi Magnificent Music CD

瑞鸣音乐出品  Rhymoi Music

弦断知音近   佳话传千年   A broken string, a timeless tale

冯欣蕊  Feng Xinrui Performs Chinese Folk Art Forms


The mellow and unrestrained sound of northern Chinese folk music has spread the customs of the northerners far and wide, blessing the Beijing-Tianjin region with a flavor that is all its own. Each form of drum-accompanied music has its own characteristics, can be spoken or sung, and the pieces may be inspired by anything from whimsical stories to deep emotions. Here you may find Jingyun Dagu, with its distinct sound and unbridled melodies; Tianjin shidiao, with its lively tempo and straightforward style of expression; the mournful and moving Meihua Dagu; the soothing and comforting Danxian, Chaqu; the natural melody and lively atmosphere of Laoting Dagu; and the humor and playfulness of Jingdong Dagu. The brilliance of northern Chinese folk music is that is uses the unique combination of speaking and singing, to create an art that is simplistic yet full of heart and life.

Track Listing:

  1. 百山图 (京韵大鼓)Panorama 4:49
  2. 风雨归舟(单弦·岔曲)Wind and Rain 3:33
  3. 红梅阁 (京韵大鼓)Red Plum Pavilion 7:08
  4. 秋景(天津时调)Autumn Scenery 2:40
  5. 子期听琴 (京韵大鼓)Ziqi Listens to the Qin 8:54
  6. 伯牙摔琴 (京韵大鼓)Boya Destroys the Qin 8:58
  7. 十字西厢(梅花大鼓)Thoughts of the West Chamber 1:56
  8. 玉堂春(乐亭大鼓)Yu Tangchun 4:13
  9. 重整河山待后生(京韵大鼓)Rearranging the Scenery 2:20
  10. 剑阁闻铃 (京韵大鼓)Bells in the Sword Pavilion 10:25
  11. 盼情郎(天津时调)Longing for Love 1:33
  12. 二泉映月(梅花大鼓)The Moon over the Fountain       2:49
  13. 愚公移山 (京韵大鼓)Yugong Moves the Mountain  2:51
  14. 送女上大学 (京东大鼓)Seeing Daughter off to University 3:55
  15. 丑末寅初 (京韵大鼓)Daybreak  7:31

高品质发烧 CD   HiFi Magnificent Music CD

瑞鸣音乐出品  Rhymoi Music


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丑末寅初——弦断知音近   佳话传千年

Feng Xinrui Performs Chinese Folk Art Forms



冯欣蕊  曲艺

A broken string, a timeless tale


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