玉门关外 弦索唱鸣 胡乐荡起滚滚黄沙
九重宫阙之上 笛箫吟咏 琴歌将星辰萦绕
拈花微笑的面容 在深锁的莫高窟中悠然静候
等待千年 邂逅风沙中湮灭的传奇
Outside the Jade Gate Pass, the plucking of strings accompanies the sand as it swirls in the wind.
The plucking of the huqin stirs up the sand of the Jade Gate Pass.
At the highest peak of the palace, a bamboo flute cries its song, which reaches far towards the stars above.
The bamboo flute cries its song of longing, which swirls toward the stars above the royal palace.
The smile of a young lady picking a lotus flower is forever encapsulated on the grotto wall.
For over a millennium has their legacy awaited to be rediscovered, and reignited.
曲目 Track Listing:
Side A
01.出塞 Beyond the Frontier Fortress 8:40
02.霓裳舞三台 Dance of the Luscious Silks on the Three Terraces 7:47
03.撒金沙 Scattered Golden Sands 5:10
04.忆江南Memories of Jiangnan 6:24
05.阳关 The Yang Pass 5:51
Side B
06.夜宴 Evening Banquet 6:42 07.古风 Ancient Winds 7:45 08.凉州 Liangzhou 6:02 09.泛龙舟 The Dragon Boat 6:41 10.柳含烟 Smoke in the Willows 5:38
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