门 Gates of Harmony _ CD
高品质发烧 CD HiFi Magnificent Music CD
瑞鸣音乐出品 Rhymoi Music
As anyone who has visited China will tell you, every travel guide will without fail recommend visiting one of the magnificent, ancient city gates. Throughout China, from Beijing in the North, to Xi’an in the West to Nanjing in the South, these ancient fortifications are some of the most spectacular feats of ancient engineering. Their poetic names inspire visions of ancient imperial grandeur – Jubaomen (聚宝门) – “Gathering Treasure Gate”, Shenwumen (神武门) – “Gate of Divine Prowess”, Donghuamen and Xihuamen (东华门 & 西华门) – “East and West Flowery Gates” and of course, Taihemen (太和门) – “Gate of Supreme Harmony.” The magnificent designs of the city walls not only provided security, but were philosophic expressions of Chinese culture. In ancient times, each gate had a set function and ritual associated with it. For visiting dignitaries, elaborate welcoming ceremonies were the highest honor that could be bestowed. It was this rich symbolism – of the magnificent Gates of Ancient China – that has inspired this album: a ceremonial welcome for western, orchestral instruments into the rich folkways of traditional Chinese music.
曲目 Track Listing:
1、草原之歌 低音提琴•张小笛
Prairie Song Double Bass: ZhangXiaodi
2、欢乐的萨丽哈 长笛•倪一珍
Joyful Sali Ha Flute: Ni Yizhen
3、嘎达梅林 长号•郝杰
Gadameilin Trombone: Hao Jie
4、小河淌水 竖琴•张小音
Rippling Brook Harp: Zhang Xiaoyin
5、欢腾的帕米尔 大提琴•马新桦
Jubilant Pamir Cello: Ma Xinhua
6、黄昏牧归 双簧管•谢红亮
Twilight – the Shepherd’s Return Oboe: Xie Hongliang
7、月光下的舞步 小号•鲁潇霖
Dance Under the Moonlight Trumpet: Lu Xiaolin
8、教我如何不想他 大号•高跃
How Can I Help But Think of You Tuba: Gao Yue
9、北京喜讯传边寨 打击乐•刘瑛
Good News from Beijing Reaches the Frontier Percussion: Liu Ying
10、情深谊长 中提琴•张安祥
Eternal Friendship Viola: Zhang Anxiang
11、云岭山歌 大管•任彪
Yunling Folk Song Bassoon: Ren Biao
12、金色的炉台 小提琴•金辉
By the Golden Furnace Violin: Jin Hui
13、苏北调变奏曲 单簧管•杨艺林
Variations on a Northern Jiangsu Tune Clarinet: Yang Yilin
14、山丹丹开花红艳艳 圆号•贾辉
Red Flowers Blooming Everywhere French Horn: Jia Hui
15、彩云追月 钢琴•沈文裕
Colorful Clouds Chasing the Moon Piano: Shen Wenyu
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