Swan Geese Inner Mongolia Youth Choir 鴻雁•內蒙古少年合唱團 LP




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高品质发烧 HiFi Magnificent Music LP
瑞鸣音乐出品 Rhymoi Music

The voices are as clear as light bouncing off a still pond, with nothing for miles to hinder them or create an echo. It’s hard to imagine that such beautiful voices would have never been heard by anyone but their owners, the grasslands, sun, moon and stars. These young boys and girls are all from small farming families on the plains of Inner Mongolia, which they have never left, as if they were a part of the plains themselves. Their voices, like gold, or silk, fill the air as the cattle graze, and disappear when the blanket of night is drawn. Until in 2008, a chorus of these young singers was founded; which brought their naturally beautiful voices to the world, so that everyone could experience and enjoy their talent.專輯所精粹集取之蒙古風格童聲合唱作品,皆是顯露少年歌者之純真美好,描畫廣袤大地之壯麗景象,承載蒙古民族氣質的絕佳曲目。一首《求雨》已是石破天驚,小小孩童們的身體之中居然蘊藏著如此氣勢磅礴的聲音爆發力,鈴鼓應和聲中彪悍奔放的氣息噴薄而出。《八駿贊》、《牧羊歌》是少年們以暢快歡愉的樂調讚美草原牧場生活的愜意美滿,《百鳥會》則是孩子們以精彩絕妙的演唱技法,模仿那些朝夕共處的小生靈,歌唱原野山林的季節流轉。《維拉特舞韻》原本是從遠古史詩傳說中汲取精魂的莊重雄渾的土地讚歌,在這群少年少女載歌載舞的演繹之下也多了幾分歡欣雀躍的熱烈氣氛。

曲目 Track Listing:
1.八駿贊 Ode to The Eight Steeds 3:39
2.牧羊歌 Shepherd’s Song 3:38
3.半個月亮爬上來 The Half-Moon Rises 2:34
4.維拉特舞韻 The Dance of Oirad 4:23
5.百鳥會 A Great Gathering of Birds 3:31
6.賣花生 Selling Peanuts 2:56
7.可愛的家鄉 My Lovely Hometown 3:39
8.求雨 Praying for Rain 6:50
9. 屋頂上的白鸛The White Stork on The Roof 5:52
10.父親的草原母親的河 Father’s Plains, Mother’s Rivers 4:07
11.象棋Chess 2:04
12.歡樂的那達慕 Joyous Naadem 4:04
13.小草 Altargana 3:3614.母親 My Mother 3:58


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